TruBadger: Community is Commerce
Contract address: 0xc003f5193cabe3a6cbb56948dfeaae2276a6aa5eCopied!
A Once In A Lifetime Deflationary, Reflection & Utility DeFi Token

Current Price
Total Wallet Token Purchases
Market Cap
Truman the Badger
TruBadger has the unmatched experience, a wide range of knowledge, and a business savvy team to cut through it all on the straight path to success.

The story
A story that begun a long time ago about the seemingly average becoming a giant amongst giants. This is the story of You! TruBadger represents You and your determination and true grit to earn success for yourself and those you love.
Our quest
We have the vision completely mapped out and this right here is the way we all win! With a strong community built at the core of our decision making and foundation, we truly believe we have the formula for your massive success!
Buy $TRUBGRTrubadger Coin Converter
BNB price: $

1,000,000,000,000,000 tokens (One Quadrillion)

Weekly 1% public token burn events to guarantee deflation.

Holders will receive tokens through a 3% static reflection.

Future marketing growth and project development funds equaling 2% of taxes.

Liquidity Fund
Every transaction automatically contributes 4% to the locked liquidity pool. Which furthermore strengthens it.

Regular contest for HODLers with 2.5% of all tokens allocated to reward community.

We don’t want to run over the little guy, which is why we run a strict policy on how many tokens you can buy at a time. The Swap/Transfer limit is 2 Trillion TRUBGR per transaction.

Growing Ecosystem
A growing protocol ecosystem. TruBadger protocol empowers everyone to participate in a financial marketplace that is transparent, open and accessible.

LP Locked
Future marketing growth and project development funds equaling 2% of taxes.

World-class Team
A decentralized team works across entities to ensure that TruBadger stays true to its purpose as we advance and evolve.
- Reflection (3%)
- Deflationary (1%)
- Coin Stability funds permanently Designated to LP (4%)
- Marketing and Innovation Fund (2%)
- Creating long term value for token holders
- Used as commerce on future TruBadger products
- To identify and grant governance rights once implemented

TruBadger Roadmap
Join the Badger on his adventure of a lifetime.
A new dawn.
We believe that community is the commerce of the future. Imagine a tokenmunity coming together with the singular common focus of increasing the wealth of everyone involved! The blockchain is the perfect mechanism to allow this to happen. Talk about a dream come true! These reasons are why we had to create, develop and launch the TruBadger token.
Click the icon to download and read our TruBadger whitepaper which provides in-depth technical detail about the project.
Review our independent audit, an extensive methodical examination, and analysis of the TruBadger smart contract’s code.

Download & Set Up MetaMask
Download MetaMask (a crypto wallet in form of a browser extension) or TrustWallet (an app for your phone). After that, you will have to add the Binance Smart Chain to your network list. (Click here for a step-by-step tutorial)

Buy & Send BNB to MetaMask
Buy BNB on an exchange (i.e., Binance, Kraken, Coinbase). Transfer the tokens to your MetaMask wallet address. BEP-20 addresses start with a “0x”.

Go To PancakeSwap
Click here to head on over to PancakeSwap or use this address: 0xc003f5193cabe3a6cbb56948dfeaae2276a6aa5e Copied!
to buy TruBadger (Tutorial here). Set the slippage tolerance to 10% (on error you may change it up to 11%, if that doesn’t fix the error, change the TruBadger output amount to end with a “0” as the last digit [i.e., 12345.123 => 12340]

Swap BNB for TRUBGR. Now you need to add TruBadger token to your MetaMask (Tutorial here) to view your TRUBGR TruBadger tokens. Lastly HODL!
DAO Management Team
DAO Onboarding Team
The DAO Development Team
No, this is a balanced launch that will allow for long-term success. Guys, what is considered a fair launch in the crypto space is when the people who founded the program do not take any tokens. All the tokens go to PancakeSwap at one price and then all the founders have to compete and try to buy as many as they can. I understand the industry considers that fair, and there have been some successful companies. Myself though, I don't see that as a fair launch only because somebody buying tokens is going to buy them; they're going to hold on to them, and they may go out, and tweet and they may help promote the token, or they may not. They may hold the tokens for a day and then sell them and have paper hands. I'm actually getting to a point where I am not getting involved in any more fair launch projects myself from an investor standpoint. And the reason is, what gives them the incentive to stick with the project and put in--and I'm going to commend our team one more time--18, 19, 20 hour days to make this happen and put this together. And because we're going to be launching so many projects, it's not going to be just the beginning, and then we've become 9 to 5 people. For some of us who are probably workaholics like myself--7 days a week, 18-20 hours a day--is normal for me, and to this, I plan on dedicating that time and that effort into it. To do that, we learn through society with socialism and communism that those don't quite work because the people who do the most work should benefit the most. So I believe I'm not going to say we're doing a fair launch. I'm going to say that this is a balanced launch, so because we had the issue on Thursday, we said, "Hey, all these people were waiting. What can we do for them?" Our token was launched with the dev team, the core team purchasing tokens, but of course at the lowest market cap that anybody else, not much lower than the 1st round of the swap they were at about a $440,000 market cap. So just a little bit lower. But we were able to capture a nice piece for ourselves because now there's an incentive for me to spend the next 5-10-20 years building this thing out. It also is the incentive for me to take my greatest ideas, the biggest ones that can revolutionize the blockchain space, revolutionize living even outside the blockchain space, and bring those to TruBadger, where the other TruBadger holders benefit from that. I don't have to say, "Well, I don't have enough tokens in this opportunity because we did it the way we did it, and maybe I didn't have that much money when we launched the project it incentivizes me to try this thing and build this thing to as big as possible. So I'm going to say the best launch is a balanced launch, not a fair launch, and there may be people out there that disagree with me. That's OK. We can all have our opinions on what we do. I believe a balanced launch is a launch that can lead to the most successful token. If you guys listen to the biggest people out there, and I'm talking about the icons in this industry, they've touched on this. Some of the talks that they've done where many projects do not let enough resources sit in the background, that's why we have a 1% innovation fund and a 1% marketing fund. If we did all reflection and deflationary, where do the funds come from to build and move the project forward. The same thing goes for the incentive of the core team; it needs to stay there because when the token goes through the roof, and you have all the money you need now, right, to go and kick back and retire somewhere, you want to make sure that there's still somebody working behind TruBadger, behind these projects to continue to drive the value so you don't ever have to leave that beach or that mountain. You never have to say, "Oops, I gotta go back to work again because everybody left the project because they didn't have the right incentive." So hopefully, I'd love to hear you guys' thoughts on this in the something giant coming pre swap. Because we're gonna have to go out to the world with this. These are my thoughts. I'd love to hear everybody's thoughts, both positive and negative, on this subject. I look forward to having that conversation in the telegram chat.
Airdrops will be sent to token holders with future projects.
Coins refer to cryptocurrencies built on their independent blockchain network. The most famous example is Bitcoin (BTC), which is also the world’s largest cryptocurrency by market capitalization. Tokens refer to cryptocurrencies that don’t have a blockchain network of their own. Instead, these cryptocurrencies are built on another blockchain.
TruBadger is a crypto token that is designed to be used for all services provided by the TruBadger platform and TruBadger’s existing exchange platform (See Whitepaper https://trubadger.io/#Whitepaper). It is a deflationary reflection utility token.
The TruBadger token is a Deflationary (reduced Supply) and Reflection (Stacking). This is accomplished by a tax/fee on each purchase, sale and transfer of the tokens.
TruBadger is a deflationary and reflection token that will turn into a long-term company focusing on creating massive value for our token holder community through product development that brings financial wealth and stability.
You are receiving reflections from transactions. Please read The TruBadger Whitepaper to learn more about how the protocol works and what makes it so exciting and unique.
The Binance ecosystem runs on two parallel blockchains -- BNB (Binance Chain) and BSC (Binance Smart Chain). BNB and BSC can be swapped 1:1 for a small fee. BNB address starts with BNB, but BSC address starts with 0x. BSC enables "Smart Contracts" that can power the unique tokenomics of TruBadger.
TrustWallet is not pinned specifically to PancakeSwap pricing; it looks at other exchanges. For some coins, this is not much of an issue. But because of the unique 10% transaction tax/fee inherent to TruBadger, there may be significant price fluctuations between exchanges as arbitrage trading is costly. In addition to that, don't forget that there's a 10% fee for selling. Combination of token tax/fees, slippage, platform tax/fees market movement whether it be up or down.
Set slippage amount to 15%, then try again.
You need to make sure you have BSC (Binance Smart Chain) instead of BNB when you try to swap for TruBadger. TrustWallet allows you to swap BNB to BSC 1:1 for a small fee. For assistance refer to (Youtube video)
You may have just accidentally hidden/unticked/disabled the TruBadger token (this is done by swiping left). In the top-right corner there should be an icon to enable tokens. Search for "TruBadger" and make sure it's enabled. When you go back to your main wallet, it should now show your TruBadger wallet with its corresponding balance.
When you manually add a custom token in TrustWallet, you need to add the correct number of decimals. The correct number of decimals is 9.
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